Backup is imperative, whether it is for business or personal purposes. Consider having all your files stolen, ruined by viruses, or destroyed by a fire, gone with it. Do not let that happen! Indeed, the best practice refers to having at least two copies of the data in two locations: local and cloud backups. Why? Even if you back up your data locally, it would not help! If something happens suddenly. Cloud backup is your solution for staying ahead of disaster.
No Backup Strategy? Big Risk!
Without a plan, you risk liabilities, downtime, and loss of revenue and reputation.
Off-Site And Reliable
Our backup solution delivers dependable, worry-free Data backup and recovery.
Quick Deployment
Get started the same day, which is perfect for teams, big or small.
Security Meets Simplicity
We use top-tier encryption with the option for personal encryption keys.
Set It And Forget It
Automate backups daily, weekly, or even every two hours. We monitor it for you!
Save Staff Time
Free your team from juggling tapes, CDs, or hardware.
No Wasted Costs
Our solutions are flexible, and you can pay only for what you need.
More Than Backup
Enjoy secure access to your files anytime, anywhere.
Hassle-Free for Remote Offices
Manage multi-user setups effortlessly; we handle it all.
One console for backup, sync, and mobile access; set it and forget it.
Protected by military-grade encryption and world-class data centers backed by EMC.
There is no hardware to buy, no overhead costs, and we do the monitoring for you.
Make the smart choice with cloud backup. Secure your data without breaking a sweat!